Statistics on Octorate

In this article, we'll see together how to get statistics about your property. ๐Ÿ“Š

From the reservations in your Octorate account, it is possible to extrapolate data that may be useful for you to review your revenue strategies and have everything under control.

Basic information:

It is always possible to establish which rooms/derived rates you want to be included in the statistics. If you have rooms that you do not intend to count in these reports, you will have to deselect them from the appropriate item in the rooms/apartments section:


It is possible to extrapolate the data of your reservations by downloading an excel file, indicating the items you are interested in downloading in order to create your excel spreadsheet.

Now let's see all the statistics that Octorate can offer you. To view them, follow the path by clicking on the PMS > Statistics

  • Revenue: In the Revenue section you can obtain all the main information regarding the progress of your property.ย 
    These Advanced Statistics include the following items:
    Booking Pickup: Allows you to monitor the pace of your bookings and predict future business trends.ย 
    RevPAR and Daily RevPAR: Measures your average revenue per available room, both on a daily and overall basis, giving you an accurate view of your business performance.ย 
    Average Revenue: Calculate the average revenue you earn for each booking.ย 
    Monthly/Yearly Revenue Per Room: Provides you with a detailed view of your revenue per room on a monthly and yearly basis.ย 
    Monthly Occupancy: Monitor the occupancy rate of your rooms on a monthly basis.

  • Production report: It allows you to see the production of your facility in a given period. Here you can see the total made from your bookings and the total made from your Extras, broken down by category. See the full article for more information about the Production Report.

  • Sales report: This report allows you to see the total amount billed in your property. The amounts of the reservations invoiced will be shown divided item by item. Consult the article to see in detail the information included in the Sales Report.

  • Forecast report: It shows you the details of the receipts that occurred in a given period, to allow you to develop future forecasts and possibly change or update your strategies. In our article, you will find all the information about our Forecast Report.

  • Annual Report: A summary report with information on production, sales and incomings that compares the current year with the previous year:



Couldn't find the statistic you need? We can still help you!

You can download an Excel file with the period and data you are interested in extrapolating.

You can send the file to chatgpt and ask it to analyze the file for your purposes, for example, you can ask for a pie chart to see the portals from which you have received the most bookings.

In addition, if you are looking for even more detailed and accurate insights, Octorate also provides you with its Business intelligence and big data.ย 

Thanks to this platform, you can easily browse the data and constantly monitor the most significant performance indicators for your facility. Thanks to an intuitive interface, you will be able to view historical data and forecasts, discover the daily rates suggested by the platform and know the sales forecasts of your structure, together with the related success rate.


To find out more, read our article!ย 

If you are interested, contact your sales representative to activate this service.ย 


See you soon!
