Business intelligence (ENG)

Find out how to get the best from your property with revenue tools of Hotel Pro 360!

In order to be able to link our business intelligence, you will have to ask your business contact person to activate this option for your account. 

Click in PMS > Revenue Management > Business intelligence & big data, select Business intelligence among the providers and set the email addresses (gmail) to which you want to associate access.

On Hotelpro you will find a control panel with all the information you’ll find useful to monitor your property. 

Thanks to the dynamic Dashboard, the pricing assistant and to big data made simple, you will get a full control of your properties and make the right decision for your strategy!

You will have a monthly or a yearly overview and have the progress of your activities for the period of your interest, compared with the previous year. 

You will have a look to the PACE (speed) of your reservations

In which period do you receive the most bookings? For which dates in particular? How far in advance do your guests book?

In this page you will find all this information and it will help you to create some specific promotions and optimize your revenue. 


All reports and graphics can be further filtered to make even more specific and targeted analyzes.

Example: do you want to analyze all the details of the reservations coming from Booking?

Select the Ota in the corresponding graph and analyze the specific data relating to the reservations you receive from this portal:


see you soon! 🐙