Production Report

In this section, you can see the production of your property in a given period. The booking totals show the totals of the stays relating only to the nights included in the search (portal commissions and VAT included)

According to the selected dates, you will have the chance to check out all the Extras purchased, grouped by Category*. the second "Extra" block calculates the elements on the actual date of consumption of the Extra.

From the Advanced Options button, you can make an export of data in an Excel file, print out or send a PDF via Email.


On the right side of the screen, you find two pie charts that indicate respectively

  • the quantity of Extra purchased according to their category in percentage
  • the percentage of the income that comes from each category of Extra

* Categories need to be created in advance from the Settings > Extra > Category section


ATTENTION: it is possible to download the data of this report 2 months at a time.

If you want to include cleaning costs in this report, you will need to configure this cost as Extra.

REMEMBER: The total of reservations shown here is the total of effective nights for the filter that has been set. Example: I have a reservation of 400 euros for the dates of July 10th and 11th. If I filter the production report only for the night of July 10, I will have a total of €200.