SCA and 3DS - General Info

In recent times, you have surely heard about SCA, which stands for
Strong Customer Authentication, a system of authentications in line with the PSD2 legislation against fraud disputes concerning credit card payments.

If you wish to see the changes on the Octorate platform,Β 
access the Settings > Takings and Rules πŸ‘‡


⚠️ ATTENTION the settings we will discuss below will be visible only if the selected payment gateway manage the SCA process.


From the drop-down menu of the Setting section, you can select the following options:

  • Always send the SMS to the customer βœ‰οΈ
    When making the payment, the customer will always get a link via email to authenticate the payment.
    According to their bank safety protocol, the customer will get a code that they can type in the link that Octorate sent them to authorize the debit.

    ➑️ Click HERE for the Authentication Procedure.

    This will happen when making the payment (it could be either when confirming the reservation, or when cancelling a NR reservation that provides a cancellation fee, or some days before the arrival, according to the rules of the scheduled takings you set up)

    ⚠️ The email can be customized if you have the WebConcierge package active in your subscription, to create Email Templates. If not, you will have a default template by the name Payment Authentication (SCA) in the Marketing > Email Templates section.

  • Let the bank decide whether to send the SMS 🏦
    The customer will get the email with the link to authorize the debit, only in case the bank considers the authentication of that payment as necessary.Β 

  • MOTO - no SMS (possibility of debit rejection from the bank or dispute) πŸ“ž
    With the MOTO, Mail Order or Telephone Order, the property gets the credit card details either by phone/email by the customer, or the guest themselves type them in the Booking Engine, during the reservation process.
    We are talking about the same procedure you've been using so far, still active for the other Payment Gateways* and still authorized by the PSD2.

    ❕ ​The risk of this option is the possibility of a dispute raised by the customer, concerning the amount charged on their card. That's the main reason of the SCA.

    Click HERE to find out how to manage secure debits with Syspay.

    ⚠️ Warning! The bank could always reject the MOTO exemption and request the customer to authenticate the payment! In that case, the procedure will be the one described above (mail with the link and authentication via the code)


πŸ’³ Virtual Cards coming from the OTA,Β 
are by default exempted from the SCA.

The instructions above are valid for both, automatic and manual takings.
Check out the dedicated articles:
Automatic Takings Management (SCA)
Manual Takings Management (SCA)
Talk to you soon!

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