How to add an Extra Service!

A romantic dinner πŸ₯˜ a City Tour πŸŒ‡Β 
the access to the wellness area πŸ’‘ or a parking slot rental πŸš—
Do you offer any extra services that customers could add to their stay?Β 
Let’s find out how to register them in Octorate!


Access the Settings > Extra section.Β 
Here you find the list of all the services that have been previously saved. However, you will just have to click on [+ Create new Extra] to create a new item from scratch πŸ‘‡


Complete the setup of the service,Β 
by typing in a name and choosing its config details βš™οΈ
Specify whether the extra is mandatory (a.) for services such as the cleaning of the property, for instance.Β 
Decide whether to display it on the OctoSite and/or the Booking Engine, so that the customer can view it and add it to their reservation, if they’re interested in it βž•


Display details by default

on Yes, enables you to to display the Extra on the Booking Engine with all its details (a)

on No or Value by Default, the Extra will be in the list. However, the customer will have to click on the [+] to read the details (b)

Choose how to calculate the price of the Extra: per person, per reservation, etc.


πŸ”Ί N.B. by selecting Per Day or Per person per day,Β 
you can set up the Inventory of that service. For further info, click here!


Complete the setup by entering a price, decide whether to associate this service to specific rooms or apartments only, add a description and a picture.
During the reservation process on the Booking Engine, the customer will see the list of Extras, with the possibility of adding them to their stay!Β 



⚠️ ATTENTION: Mandatory extras will not be added automatically if you enter a manual reservation directly from the calendar. If you also want them to be calculated for your manual bookings, you will need to enter it from bookings > add new.

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