Email Templates (WebConcierge) _en

Email templates allow you to create personalized emails to communicate with your guests.


To create automatic templates for communications to send to your guests, click on Settings > Email Templates.

On this page you will find pre-set templates that you can decide whether to activate or modify.
Click on edit if you want to see them or click on [Add new] if you want to create a new one.

You can decide the type of template and when it should be sent:

Among the various types you will find:

  • Reservation confirmed: The email is sent for each confirmed booking.

🔴 Remember that the system runs a check though your reservations with a scheduled time, to find those ones matching the templates rules. Therefore, the email submission is not instantaneous, but it can take up to 3 hours.

  • Before guest arrival: You can decide to send a message X days before checkin. In this case you will be asked to indicate the number of days and whether you also want to send this message to reservations created subsequently


  • After guest departure: To send an email to request a review. In this case the message will be sent 3 days after checkout.

You will be able to compose your personalized text also making use of the variables, which will allow your message to auto-populate the message with the data of the various reservations:


Translate your templates into the languages ​​you want, the system will recognize your guest's language from their country and the template will be sent in the correct language. If the translation in your language is not available, it will automatically be sent in English.

If you decide to use our draft templates, you will already find the hyperlink that your guests can use to connect to the web concierge page. If you have deleted it by mistake, you can restore the default template by clicking here:


Or restore the link with the Reservation (link) variable. You can create the template and customize it as you wish, also adding images.

Decide the Channel communication order

In this way you can decide the sending channels for your template, if the mail delivery fails, then the system will try via octochat (web concierge) and so on following the indicated communication order.


If you want to limit automated emails to reservations coming from specific channels, select the channel and move it to the right box:

By following the same procedure, you can also decide to assign the template to specific room/apartment types and/or to one or more real rooms of the PMS.

👉 Assigning templates to the real rooms can be fundamental to send specific details to your customers, like the access code to the room in question, for instance!

🔺 Warning: you can select real rooms, only if you previously set up the PMS Tableau!

Set the Show Filters section on ON, to add restrictions to the sending of the template: 

For istance, you can decide to send an email only if the customer has signed the contract 
or you can decide to request him with a specific email if he has not yet completed the web checkin.

The star button enables you to mark the item as Preferred. On the Dashboard, you will see the print Icon against each arrival/departure of the day, and you can click on it to print out the template related to each specific reservation.


⚠️ ATTENTION - You can only mark one template.


From the Email section of the detail of the reservation you will see the history of messages sent and you can send a new one by choosing from existing models, though the [+] button

Furthermore, once you select the item of your interest, you can also print out the template from this exact section!

Do you want to create email templates for your partners or providers?
Find out how

Do you wish to copy a template on various IDs?
Read the article!
Click HERE for the full article on the Web Concierge.
Talk to you soon!
