When creating Children Rates, keep in mind that discounts will not be applied on the derived rates (ex. 1 adult + 1 child)
On the derived rates you can apply the cost of a child as an extra but not as a discount, and this is to avoid the possibility of discounting the whole rate (and the whole price).
If you wish to apply a price difference between the standard and the derived rate, you can simply edit the Derivation Rules.
If you wish to apply various discounts according to the childโs age instead, you should do that on the standard rate.ย
However, make sure that:
- In the room config page in Rooms/Apartments > Edit, the presence of children is not set up via the Limit Adult/Children option.
Just consider children in the total number of guests.
the Exact Children match in the Booking Engine results entry in the Booking Engine EVO > General Settings section is set to NO.
Talk to you soon!ย