Create your Booking Engine through Octorate!

If you need to create a booking engine evo for your property, check out this article!

First of all, upload pictures of your property in settings > images, here you can set a logo, a background image, and some pictures to be shown in the main gallery.

The logo will be shown on your home page:



And pictures regarding your property will be shown in the page "about the hotel"


 This preview section will show up to a maximum of 20 photos.

Then access the rooms section and upload the specific images for each room / apartment and its description:


In this section you type the names of rooms and rates that will be costumer facing on your Booking Engine.

Now you are ready to complete the pages under booking engine evo:

  • General Setup: All the general information regarding your property.
    Checkin/checkout time and some other advanced features like the automatic closing time (1) and the correction ratio (2) this enables you to set up a value (percentage or fixed) to increase or decrease the rate you previously set on the Calendar in Octorate, before you send it to your personal website.


  • Payment setup : Here you have to choose the payment methods you want to activate on your site.

  • Discount: You can create some discounts  or coupon codes and decide if keep them only for your website or send them to the portals.     

  • Children: this section helps you to create specific rates for children according their age.

  • Add-ons-Design: Here you can customize the layout of your booking engine and select its page components.

  • Texts: You can write here all your customized texts.

  • Notifications: You can create messages for your guests that will appear in the homepage of your booking engine. For example: have you created a coupon code for a special offer? write it in the notifications!

  • Widget: With the help of your web master, you can set up the widget on your website, in order to enable the communication between Octorate and your website.

ATTENTION: If you have a multiaccount you have to create the widget on your master account (while all the other settings must be set in each son account), if you don't have your own website yet and you want to create an octosite, you can ignore the widget setup.

See you soon 🐙