Guest List

Save your customers' details and make the check-in quicker!

You have some regular customers and you want to save their details 
in order no to type them in next time, don't you?👩‍💻 Create a Guest List!

Access the Reservation details' page👇

and start entering the client's details, as you would do for any ordinary checkin, then save at the bottom of the page. Click on the button highlighted in this screenshot👇


⚠️ WARNING The button will not be clickable, if the email address is missing.

You will then access the Customer Card, which contains all the info you previously saved, together with other fields you can fill in, according to your needs. Save at the bottom of the page!


In the PMS Real Planning > Administration > Customer data section, you'll see all the Customer Cards saved.

The two-circular-arrow button you find in the Guest List 🔄

enables you to create customer cards automatically, by importing all those future reservations that have an email address included in this section ✉️ all the emails that end with are discarded, as they are considered as fake.

⚠️ WARNING - in order to enable the autofill, it is necessary to insert a third element between the date of birth and (or) the email. This info is fundamental to avoid any case of homonymy among the guests.
Also remember that this tool can only be used in the single child accounts.

⚠️ WARNING  - if you do not find the Reservation History on the bottom-right side of the Customer’s card,

check that the email address has been saved in the details of the reservation and in the card.

Properties in Italy or in Spain ⚠️ By creating a Police Card (Italian and Spanish management), if this includes the customer's name, surname and date of birth or personal email, the Guest Card is automatically generated in the Guest List.



As soon as you will have to enter a new manual reservation for any of these customers, start typing in one of their personal details, even partially.
The system will run a check on the data in the Guest list and will then show you all the possible compatible customer cards.
Click on the guest of your interest and all the fields will be completed automatically.



Would you like to save also informations regarding Agencies, Companies or OTAs?
Click here to read the complete article!