Create special offers to entice your customers to book from your website: direct booking means zero commissions!
To create special offers on your website, access the Booking Engine Evo > Discounts section then click on [Create a new discount]
First, choose a Name for your offer and then choose the type of discount from the drop-down menu
If you are interested in coupons, please have a look to this ARTICLE!
Back to the general configuration of discounts, you will be able to:
1️⃣Set either a fixed or in percentage discount value
2️⃣Enter a description text that will be present in the file attached to the offer, if you decide to send it to the customer via email, point 7.
3️⃣ Set all Restrictions to ensure that customers can take advantage of the discount under certain conditions
4️⃣ Insert an image that will be present in the file attached to the offer, if you decide to send it to the customer via email, point 7.
5️⃣ Decide to send the discount to the available connected portals: check out the dedicated article!
In order for this section to appear, you will first need to save the discount.
6️⃣ Decide on which rooms / rates to apply the discount
7️⃣ Send the discount by email by entering the customer's address, selecting the language and clicking on the airplane button to send it
Click on all the question marks you find on the page, to get more details on each section
N.B. The Booking Engine discounts, unlike coupons, are not cumulative. Each time the system identifies two or more discounts for the same period, the customer will be offered the most advantageous one, i.e. the one with the highest discount percentage.
💥 If you have a multi-account, you can create discounts from your master account and apply them to your entire network, or you can use the filter as indicated in point 6
Talk to you soon!