If you are already connected to Booking.com, you can access the Booking Engine Evo > Discounts section to create discounts and send them directly to the portal.
Set all the parameters and make sure to respect the following requirements:
📌 Name
Make sure that the title does not contain any special characters (&, "", ñ)
📌 Percentage of discount
- The discount percentage must be a value included in these ranges depending on the type of discount you want to send:
- Generic discounts: from 1% to 99%
- Mobile discounts: from 10% to 80%
- Discounts by geographical area (regardless of the geographical area you want to choose): from 5% to 30%
📌 Fixed Value
The fixed value discount must be a value between 0 EUR and 12000000 EUR
📌 Days in advance
The number of days in advance for the discount must be less than 365
📌 Minimum stay
The minimum stay can't be more than 6 days
Now you can customize even more your promotions for Booking.com.
With our new connection features you can create
- Offers available for Mobile devices only
- Offers available for specific geographical areas
- Offers for early bookings and last minute reservations
Set Booking.com on ON then Save, to send the discount to the portal.
Thank you