Save the pricing of your rooms/apartments and create price lists for specific periods of the year!
Access the Calendar and click on the blue button with the tag, as you can see in the screenshot here below
Click on the [+ Add new] button you will see in the next page
Choose a name for the rate plan (example: High Season, Low Season, etc.) and a colour that will then be displayed on the calendar.
On the right side of the page, type in the price for each room, then click on Save.
From this section you can also decide the rules to automatically apply the created price list.
Set Auto Apply on ON to activate the rate plan automatically according to the parameters!
Set the Occupancy Rate, above which the rate plan will be activated.
This value refers to the percentage of rooms sold for each individual room type.
Example: you set the occupancy rate to 50%.
* You have 10 rooms, of a specific typology, and 6 of them are booked > rate plan will be applied on this specific room
* You have 10 rooms, of a specific typology, and 4 of them are booked > rate plan will NOT be applied on this specific room
Set the Interval of Dates or period, during which you want the rate plan to be activated.
Set the entry Always Overwrite on YES to activate it in any case, even if the price of this list is lower than the value previously set on the calendar (decrease of price)
To apply it manually on your calendar get back to the Calendar to activate the price list. Click on the Advanced Editor
Select the period and the Price List from the drop-down menu, then click on Save
The rate plan will be displayed with the colour you have previously chosen
Talk to you soon!