How to connect a new rate/room with Octorate?

Have you created a new room/rate on one of your portals and now would like to link it with the channel manager? 
We explain how to do it!

If you have created a new room/rate on a portal and want to import and map it with Octorate, you will first need to check that it has been created in XML
Octorate will only be able to import rooms/rates created in that format.

How to check if a rate is in XML in Booking?

Non-xml rates are clearly marked with the "non-xml" tag in the calendar section of the portal extranet:



It is also necessary that in the "rate plans" section they appear with the wording "octorate mapping" and not with the price rule set in Booking.



If you don't know how to change your rates on the portals to put them in XML, contact the portal's assistance directly.

Once you have verified that the rates are in XML, you can import them into Octorate.

  • Click on channel manager and then click on the plug for the portal you wish to update
  • Click on the cloud button at the top right:



  • Refresh the page
  • The new imported room/rate will appear written in green on the right side of the page:


We've almost done!

Don't forget to launch a synchronization with the portal (we advise you to launch it for a year) and check if the portal's extranet has updated correctly.


See you soon!
