How to connect Hometogo?

To connect Hometogo you will need to create your listing directly from your Octorate account.

If you have decided to connect Hometogo, you should know that your property will also appear in all these other portals:



First, check that the address and location are set correctly in settings > properties.

Also check your calendar, it is highly recommended to have the availability entered for at least the next 12/18 months.

If everything is ok, you can continue.

From channel manager > connect a new site and select hometogo.

Click on blue house button:


Enter the generic information of your property on this page and once you have filled it all in, click on "send through OTA":



At this point, you have to create your listings. 

Go to rooms/apartments and click on "Edit" corresponding to the room/rate you want to push to the portal.


Make sure your room has set up information about square meters, number of rooms, number of bathrooms and number of beds:



Once you have verified this info, you can click on "manage room on Hometogo" > configure


Select the OTA: 



It will be necessary to fill in the data page by page, from "General information" to "images":



  1. General information: Check the information on this page, add the amenities, they must be at least 10
  2. Available rooms: here you will have to indicate how many rooms your apartment consists of and the respective information, room by room.
  3. Descriptions: set a title for hometogo without numbers or special characters


Enter a description of at least 700 characters


Pricing: Set the cleaning fee, security deposit and price for each extra guest.



The field Price per extra person  is used to configure the prices in occupancy. For example: I have an apartment for 4 people, I want to sell it for 2 to 4 people with a price that varies according to the number of occupants.

In this case you will have to push the listing from the rate for 2 people and in this section put "minimum occupancy" 2 and I will set the value I want to add for each additional guest.


5. Reservations: enter the information and cancellation policy:


6. Images: select the images to send to the portal, minimum 10 1024x768


Once everything is done, click on save > send to portals.


The listing will be created and will automatically be mapped to the octorate room from which it was pushed:



If you have reached this point, all you have to do is contact us at and request portal activation.


We will activate your connection (Octorate side) and we will provide you with a link to be able to request activation from Hometogo as well. After filling in the onboarding link, a portal contact person will contact you to confirm that your ads are online, this process can take up to a maximum of 4 weeks.


ATTENTION: Compiling the onboarding file is a necessary requirement to complete the connection, if this step is not completed, even if the connection will be active on Octorate, your ad will not be published.


📌 IMPORTANT: payments for your reservations will be managed entirely by the portal, which will send you a bank transfer the day after check-in.


Check out our Video tutorial to connect Hometogo.