Model Pics - Housekeeping

Do you wish your rooms/apartments to be perfectly shipshape, following specific standards of cleanliness, amenities set up, etc.?

You will only have to take pictures to the room/apartment and upload them in Octorate, to share them with the housekeepers!

Access the Rooms/Apartments section, then click on the [Edit] button to access the room config page:
Scroll down to the bottom of the page, on the left side, to find the section dedicated to the Housekeeping pics, then click on the photo icon.

Click on the [Add +] button, to add a picture, click then on [Choose +] to select the pic you wish to upload. Add a description in the dedicated boxes, then click on the flag icon ☑️ to save.

🔺Warning if you manage a multi-property account,
this operation must be carried out from the mother account! 

The housekeeper will have access to the model pics, right from the App in the Housekeeping section, just by clicking on the room/apartment number they’ll have to take care of.

Furthermore, it is also possible to take and upload pictures from the App and associate them to the current reservation, to keep track of the work done.
Let’s find out how

Talk to you soon!