Insert the images for your Booking Engine!

A small but useful advice to make your Booking Engine more attractive!

First of all you have to upload images of each room in rooms > edit > images:

These pictures will appear on your booking engine, once the guest will make the research for his stay:



Go to the Booking Engine EVO section > Images and upload the image for the logo, the background image of your Booking Engine and photos of your entire structure (images)

These pictures will appear in a main gallery:



You can chose if upload photos of the common areas (the reception, the breakfast room, the surroundings ...) or simply repeat the photos of your rooms.


You can also add an icon image


This field will help you distinguish your direct bookings (coming from your booking engine) from your manual bookings.

The image you insert in this field will be shown in the "source" column of your reservations form, it will allow you to clearly identify the reservations that come from your booking engine.


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